Etiket: Prostitution in Turkey

  • Prostitution in Turkey

    Prostitution in Turkey

    Prostitution in Turkey is legal and regulated. The secularization of Turkish society allowed prostitution to achieve legal status during the early 20th century. Known as general houses (genelevler) in the country, brothels must receive permits from the government to operate. In turn, the regulatory agencies issue identity cards to sex workers that give them rights…

  • Prostitution in Istanbul Escorts Hostess Bars Brothels

    Prostitution in Istanbul Escorts Hostess Bars Brothels

    Prostitution in Turkey is legal and organized by the government. Prostitution in Istanbul Escorts Hostess Bars Brothels That said, state-run brothels (genelev in Turkish) are normally reserved for locals. Foreigners who visited them mention paying an extra fee, having to bring their passports and going through security screenings. The main red light area is in…